Monday, July 19, 2010

Blue Monday

Today's Blue Monday post was inspired by a discussion with my friend Carrie.  I grew up in Michigan and spent many a childhood summer day picking blueberries.  I have always loved them- and we Michiganders can be quite the blueberry snobs.  But back to my friend Carrie.  She also grew up in Michigan and has since moved to New Mexico.  During our discussion, she made the bold statement that Texas blueberries are better.  Now- I have never had a Texas blueberry- and I will keep it as an open challenge- but for now- Michigan blueberries get my vote! 

My grandmother used to make a blueberry dessert (we actually call it "Blueberry Dessert"- not very creative, huh?) that was my favorite thing in the summer.  It consisted of a graham-crackery crust with sugar and blueberries with whipped cream on top.  Sometimes the simplest things are the best!!  And don't get me going on blueberry pancakes...


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