Saturday, June 19, 2010

What I'm working on...

I've been a little slow with the blogging process. In talking to my friends, I frequently hear their surprise that it is so hard for me, given my degree in English Literature. But, I've figured out that while I have extensive experience in writing, I am "trained" to exclude my personal opinion (and feelings) and just write the cold rational facts. So, please hang in there with me as I get the hang of it...

It's been slow going creating the next batch of dolls. I have a lot of them to finish and keep getting mired down in details. I was recently inspired from listening to tango music (and- OK- I admit it- watching Dancing with the Stars) so I am working on a sexy and sassy latina with a flower in her hair- dressed in black and red with black lace gloves. I am really excited to see how she turns out. Once her face is painted (I usually do not have a plan- I just paint and see what happens)- I can sit with her a while and wait for her story (and name) to emerge. What I do know about her is that she will be bold and improper, by societal standards. This is a theme that is very important to me and I guess I started making these dolls as a sort of "therapy" to help me deal with my own awkwardness at being "improper". I am loud, single over 40, unpetite, opinionated, and strong-willed and until recently, constantly criticizing myself for these "faults" (OK- it still happens but I'm trying!) My dolls all have stories defying MY perception of the ideal "Jackie O" standard of the ideal woman. They aren't aesthetically perfect- you know- the porcelain-skinned, rosey-cheeked collectable dolls that make you (OK- maybe just me) feel slightly uncomfortable. And with the stories I create for them, they are comfortable and unapologetic in their defiance of social convention. I will be posting some of the dolls I have already created (and their stories) in subsequent posts.

That's all for today because it is inspiringly beautiful outside and I am feeling a little guilt sitting here- inside. I am starting a weekly post called "Blue Monday" which is a tribute to my favorite color. So please- feel free to send me any pictures, songs, poetry, words, etc., that feature the color blue. Happy weekend, all!

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