Wednesday, June 30, 2010


As my previous posts have been detailing- I have been in a sort of inspirational quagmire (say that ten times fast!) with my clay dolls. I have several that have taken shape, but I have been searching for SOMETHING for a while now. And then today- it happened. I received the most recent Anthropologie catalog in the mail.

It should be known that I secretly (OK- not so secretly) covet the "lifestyle" depicted in this catalog.  Every time I get it I fantasize for at least a few days.  But I really didn't expect to get the loads of inspiration today for my clay dolls- for the hair, the look, the clothes, the staging.  Here are just a few pictures that caught my eye...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New Love Bugs

Here are just a few of the Love Bugs I have been working on- and that are now available in my Etsy shop (link to left).

Crazy for Stripes Love Bug and Pink and Blue Love Bug

I have been trying out a bunch of different color combinations and some new embroidery stitches. I really love mixing as many colors as possible. You can never have too much color!!

Purple and Blue Love Bug

And how can you resist the Love Bug's sweetheart tail!

Brown Love Bug

Monday, June 28, 2010

Blue Monday

Happy summer y'all!

As is the case every Monday, we celebrate the color BLUE!! This past week we have been having some pretty crazy weather in the Midwest which appears to have inspired plenty of pictures of clear blue skies (below). The heat has also reminded me of my favorite ice cream as a kid- "Blue Moon" (above). How can you resist that color- especially when it is melting and running down your hand? Apparently, this flavor is not known to many outside of the Upper Midwest and can be described as a bit gooey in texture- and tasting a bit like fruit loops.

Blue sky pictures by J. DelVecchio and C. Jagnouw

Saturday, June 26, 2010

"Up There" documentary

If you have about 12 minutes to spare, please watch this amazingly beautiful documentary about mural painters. Truly inspiring!

UP THERE from The Ritual Project on Vimeo.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Love Bugs line dancing!

I know what you are thinking- she sure does seem to have a lot started but nothing finished. I know, I know. But- when you are in that creative inspiration mode- you have to just go along for the ride. I have been working on quite a few Love Bugs (as you can see) and been trying out new embroidery stitches. I have also prohibited myself from "perusing" the thrift stores for more sweaters until I have the bins (and bins and bins) of already washed and felted sweaters used. Believe me- it is a challenge- I do love the thrift stores! So- the plan is to spend (what appears to be) a stormy weekend sewing my little heart out! I will be posting them to the etsy shop as they hatch!

I think he is winking at you!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Blue Monday

Every Monday is "Blue Monday"- a tribute to my favorite (and most inspiring) color- blue. Please feel free to submit to me any pictures, poems, songs, etc., that feature this amazing color and I will consider it for the next Monday's post. For today, my "Blue Monday" submission is the feet of the Blue-footed Booby (above).

Picture submission by K. DelVecchio of a tragically deceased and still, amazingly beautiful, bird in her front yard.

"Stella Blue" by the Grateful Dead
Song submission by G. Robertson

Saturday, June 19, 2010

What I'm working on...

I've been a little slow with the blogging process. In talking to my friends, I frequently hear their surprise that it is so hard for me, given my degree in English Literature. But, I've figured out that while I have extensive experience in writing, I am "trained" to exclude my personal opinion (and feelings) and just write the cold rational facts. So, please hang in there with me as I get the hang of it...

It's been slow going creating the next batch of dolls. I have a lot of them to finish and keep getting mired down in details. I was recently inspired from listening to tango music (and- OK- I admit it- watching Dancing with the Stars) so I am working on a sexy and sassy latina with a flower in her hair- dressed in black and red with black lace gloves. I am really excited to see how she turns out. Once her face is painted (I usually do not have a plan- I just paint and see what happens)- I can sit with her a while and wait for her story (and name) to emerge. What I do know about her is that she will be bold and improper, by societal standards. This is a theme that is very important to me and I guess I started making these dolls as a sort of "therapy" to help me deal with my own awkwardness at being "improper". I am loud, single over 40, unpetite, opinionated, and strong-willed and until recently, constantly criticizing myself for these "faults" (OK- it still happens but I'm trying!) My dolls all have stories defying MY perception of the ideal "Jackie O" standard of the ideal woman. They aren't aesthetically perfect- you know- the porcelain-skinned, rosey-cheeked collectable dolls that make you (OK- maybe just me) feel slightly uncomfortable. And with the stories I create for them, they are comfortable and unapologetic in their defiance of social convention. I will be posting some of the dolls I have already created (and their stories) in subsequent posts.

That's all for today because it is inspiringly beautiful outside and I am feeling a little guilt sitting here- inside. I am starting a weekly post called "Blue Monday" which is a tribute to my favorite color. So please- feel free to send me any pictures, songs, poetry, words, etc., that feature the color blue. Happy weekend, all!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lincoln Square Farmer's Market

Although the weather was a bit less than ideal, I was able to make it out to opening day of the Lincoln Square Farmer's Market. As it is every time I go, I didn't really have anything specific that I was looking for. OK- maybe that isn't exactly true- I am ALWAYS looking for the Wisconsin cheese people, and I found them. I did purchase a lovely 10-year old cheddar, some rhubarb and some freshly made portabella ravioli.

There were a lot of herb plants and flowers and I was tempted to purchase some tomato plants for the balcony- but after last year's war with the gray squirrel (he "Mission-Impossibled" up the side of the building, grabbed the green tomatoes and then ate half, leaving the other half as a taunting challenge) I decided to wait. I may have to ask my dad for hints on outsmarting wildlife (he has been at war with the deer for 2 years now) before spending my hard-earned money on squirrel food.

I did pass on the radishes- but they sure are a beautiful color! As I said earlier in the post- I did purchase some rhubarb and I plan on making a rhubarb SOMETHING for my party on Saturday (along with pulled pork sandwiches, coleslaw and Old-Fashioneds). So far I have found a recipe for Lattice-Topped Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie and a Rhubarb Tart with Orange Glaze. I am not the best baker- so it will be my own personal challenge for the week. We shall see...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

My first doll

Welcome to PazzaBella Dolls!

I am an artist/crafter living in Chicago who has taken a very long time to feel comfortable calling myself an "artist". I have no formal training- I've just dabbled for years in various artistic endeavors from painting (and repainting) my house, then to painting furniture and wine glasses (while drinking wine, of course!) to wheelthrown pottery (LOVE) to interior design school. I guess you could say I was exploring. During this time I discovered the portrait work of Amedeo Modigliani and hung these prints all over the house. There was something about all these women that spoke to me- I found them oddly beautiful in their imperfections and frankly, a little crazy (even more so after reading about Jeanne Hebuterne- the woman depicted in many of Modigliani's paintings). Perhaps it was a reflection of how I felt about myself at the time (more of the imperfect than beautiful and definately crazy!!)

I then came across another dollmaker who inspired me with her folk dolls and, after several very helpful emails about materials, I dove right in. I had no idea what I was doing but I was determined to create what I was envisioning in my head. I drew a rough outline in muslin, hand sewed it and began sculpting with paper clay. I spent hours engulfed in her creation. And, as she began to take form, I found myself ceating her story. (picture: my first doll).

After many inspirational talks and brainstorming sessions with my friend Katie (the most fearless person I know), we settled on Pazza (crazy) Bella (beautiful) as the best description for the inspiration and the creations. Since then, I have created several dolls, each with their own story. Each are a bit strongwilled, unconventional and, I believe, seemingly confident in their beautiful imperfections.